Today or Tomorrow? Wealth or Health? 5 Ways to accomplish both!
Those that know me can appreciate my, um, frugalness. There’s a reason I do what I do for a living. However, one thing that I’ve never “cheaped out” on is my health. When it comes to physical exercise and food consumption, I tend to loosen my wallet a bit. There are several cliché phrases that can be associated with health and finances. “You don’t want to be the richest person in the graveyard”, “You can’t take it with you”, “Oh, when he passes there’ll be a brinks truck behind the hearse”. I guess the point is, everything in moderation and living for today without sacrificing your financial tomorrow. I look at it this way, if you don’t have your health in retirement but a bunch of money, what’s the point? Why not do both? Enjoy your life and plan for your future. Sounds easy right? For most people, not so much.
Here’s how I’d start:
1 - Define it. What’s important now? What’s important later?
2 - Automate it. Once you know what you want, create a plan and put it into action and with consistency.
3 – Review it. Check in occasionally. Not daily, you’ll drive yourself crazy. Monthly, semi-annually or annually. Point is, don’t set it and forget it. Be active. Be engaged.
4 – Understand it. Do your homework. Understand what you’re doing and what your attempting to accomplish.
5 – Accountable to it. Find a trusted partner, someone that will keep you motivated and on track.
Wait, what are we talking about here, finances or fitness? I’ll leave that for you to decide, but I’d do both!