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Q3 Market Intelligence reports now available Thumbnail

Q3 Market Intelligence reports now available

In their latest investor-friendly report and videos, the Capital Markets Strategy team at Manulife Investment Management shares their market outlook for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021. Learn more about why they’re forecasting a recovery and how they’ve updated their model portfolio weightings.

Read the full report and watch the videos* 

*Manulife Wealth Inc. related companies are 100% owned by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (MLI) which is 100% owned by the Manulife Financial Corporation, a publicly traded company. Details regarding all affiliated companies of MLI can be found on the Manulife Wealth Inc. website at www.manulifewealth.ca.


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The Retirement Assessment Tool

No matter how you envision your retirement, the best way to make it a reality is to develop a plan and stick to it. We can help.

Use Manulife's NaviPlan tool to learn more.

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The Major Purchase Assessment Tool

Planning details for your projected major purchases will help estimate the cost and the amount of savings you will need.

Use Manulife's NaviPlan tool to learn more.

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The Education Assessment Tool

Do your homework. How will you ensure that you or your children can continue to focus on school rather than how to pay for it?

Use Manulife's NaviPlan tool to learn more.

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Use of these tools does not replace a comprehensive financial plan. There are numerous factors such as government benefits, taxation, life expectancy and lifestyle that will impact the calculator results differently.